Wednesday 7 September 2016

Brett McFall’s Uncommon View

A Secret
For Making
Your Marketing 
Stand Out

Often the best 
way to work out how to market 
is by looking at what the 
best are doing

One of the companies Brett McFall believe has been at the top of their game for over 60 years is…


Disneyland makes 5 times the profits of Universal Studios; Sea World - and every other park comes way behind

What’s the difference between Disneyland and other theme parks?

Their strategy:

For instance, at Disneyland most attractions are hidden around
the corner

At Disneyland there’s no such thing as a roller-coaster

At Disneyland there’s no such thing as a log ride

At Disneyland there’s no such thing as a 
spinning ride

So you need to ask yourself:
“What can I learn from this?”

People LOVE stories

Before going for the sale, tell a story

One of the most profitable sales letters I ever wrote followed this idea
It made $516,375 in just 6 weeks

The headline read:
“How being 8 ½ months pregnant… struggling to pay the bills… and stressed out to the point of exhaustion – gave me an unfair advantage in making $2,000 every month on the internet from SCRATCH. 
Now I can do it again and again anytime I want. And so could you.”

So what kind of story can you create?
“The amazing story of…”
“You’re probably not going to believe this, but…”
“Let me tell you a very interesting story about…”
“How being $73,000 in debt, sleeping on a couch, and suffering horrendous back pain – allowed me to discover the best way for you to…”

The secret is the…

Brett McFall’s Uncommon View